Mango Tasting & Cutting Demo
Natures Wonders, Branson, MO
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm CST
LOCATION: Â 1601 State Hwy 248, Branson, MO 65616
Sweet and juicy Crespo Mangoes will be sampled out! The Crespo Mango BIN will be in the space so shoppers can have instant access to all the useful mango-ed the Crespo brand is known for!
Our expert #MangoPeople (Nissa her self is coming!) will be cutting and sampling out a variety of mangoes, including our Crespo Organic Dried Mangoes, answering all the questions. Tons of valuable mango shopper insight will be discussed; like how to select, store and gauge ripeness.  Plenty of helpful  #ChooseYourCut education will be shared and demo-ed, so that every mango connoisseur can match their knife skills with their mango!
Our mango-cutting and demos are notoriously fun!
Recipe cards for some of our favorite summer mango recipes will be handed out.
Kids get stickers and temporary tattoos of mango trees! The hot commodity that is Crespo SWAG will be tossed out into the crowds.
A sweet time will be had by all!
Come with Questions, Leave with Mangoes and Mango Expertise!