Mango Lavender Honey Syrup

We all have a favorite summer fruit pairing, the combination of peaches, mangoes and lavender are the perfect trio for this fragrant syrup.
Mango Lavender Honey Syrup

2-3 mango pits with flesh
2 tablespoons lavender flowers
1 cup water
½ cup honey
1 bergamot tea bag

Combine mango pits, lavender, water, and honey in a small saucepan, and bring to boil, stirring a little as it comes to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and let steep, stirring, until the honey dissolves, about 8 minutes.
Take off heat, and toss the bergamot tea bag in the pan. Let tea bag sit for 2 minutes and then remove and discard. Allow the honey to cool completely. Strain and discard solids, and refrigerate until cold.