Mango & Fresh Herb Summer Rolls

You can find the recipe for the Spicy mango Almond Dipping Sauce here. We also love the Crespo Sinaloa Sauce with this recipe.
Mango & Fresh Herb Summer Rolls

12 Rice paper wrappers- medium
1 head baby local fresh lettuce leaves
2 cups of shredded red cabbage
1 medium English cucumber, sliced thin
2 medium to large mangoes cut into thin slices no more than an inch in width
large handful of fresh mint leaves
large handful of fresh cilantro leaves
large handful of fresh Thai basil
Spicy Mango Almond Dipping Sauce

Make Sure all of your items are prepped before starting to assemble.
In a large shallow bowl of hot water, sub-merge one of the rice paper wrappers for about 10-20 seconds. Take out and shake off excess water carefully and lay flat on a clean kitchen towel or wood cutting board. Lay the flat items down first, arranging the items in order of your choice, laying them very flat and making a rectangle pattern in the center of the circle, leaving room for the roll to be wrapped about 1 1/2 – 2 inches per side (much like you would wrapping a present.) Arrange the items in a variety of patterns in order to get more color and vibrancy to your rolls.
Fold one edge of the paper over the filling, tightly (but gently) tucking the filling in as you roll it as tight as possible. Roll it a little more until the wrapper seems sealed. Fold the sides in next again, tightly but gently and roll until sealed and all paper is wrapped up in a roll form. Repeat the steps using all the mixture and rice pa-pers. The rolls should be approx. 2 inches in thickness. Cover with a damp kitchen towel as you make them. Best eaten right away. Serve with Spicy Almond Dipping Sauce and Fresh Mint Chili Sauce.